Two reasons why the subject is called "El Cuarto Misionaro"... First of all. As a mission, our mission president, president Richardson challenged us to read "The Fourth Missionary" several times through February and January. It talks about 4 different types of missionaries and helps missionaries realize what they can become. I actully read it in the MTC once before but now I've read it twice in the mission since the challenge... The other reason is(Thanks to the calculations of my companion) I now am 1/4 the way through my mission as of today, and I'm wondering what happened to the time.
I did splits with Elder Bustillo in his sector this last Tuesday and our momita fed us fish eggs. The taste was so weird, I couldn't decide if I liked it or not, but I ate all of it like always... Also I ate orange chicken later in the week and I've never had anything like that in the mission until now...We had a couple of good lessons that day and then watched "The John Tanner Story" with an investigator family and they loved it! They wanted to watch another so we watched "The Stonecutter" video too. We then talked about the two videos after and bared testimonies. It was such a simple lesson but the spirit was super strong. I then answered like 100 questions that the dad had about the Book of Mormon and then gave him the book and told him that all of the answers are in here and you have to find them. We also left the DVD with them so they can watch The Restoration too. Their sector has one huge hill that we walked up and down like 5 times, which was super joyful.
On Thursday we had interviews with the pres in Esmeraldas and they gave us lessons on "The Fourth Missionary", the area book, and basically all of Chapter 8 of PMG. I always learn new things from them. My interview was shorter since I just had one about 3 weeks ago. We had the district meeting on Friday morning instead of Thursday and the zone leaders came up to do splits with us and interview some of our investigators. Plus, I recieved like 3 packages from Christmas all at the same time. So that was awesome!
Lady Valdez and Miguel Cevallos were baptized this last Saturday! It was so awesome! Elder Macalopu baptized Lady and a ward friend of Miguel baptized him. I conducted the baptism and taught Lesson 3 while they were changing. They were both confermed yesterday. These guys are solid and I'm sure they'll "Endure to the End". Miguel also brought his family to his baptism and to church so we'll try to teach them soon; Miguel will be an awesome example for them. Speaking ofSunday, we weren`t allowed to leave because this place can get crazy during elections. We only went to sacrament meeting and then tried to entertain ourselves for the rest of the day. We studied, watched church videos, and slept all day long. I felt super weird as a missionary doing almost nothing.
Espero que ustedes tienen una semana bien bacán! Les amo todo de ustedes!