Tuesday, July 21, 2015

(remaining days: 21) To the rescue!!

It wasn't planned, but this week was one of the best weeks ever as far as less-active members go. We taught 10 lessons to less-actives and got a inactive family (Flia. Campos) to go after over 12 years of not going even once! We were super happy! They also came to the activity we had on Thursday and we have another appointment with them tomorrow. I'll let you know how things go.

This week was filled with divisions. First the other sector in Rumiñahui (The district leader) did splits with us on Tuesday. Then the ZLs did surprize divisions with us on Friday. It was great though because I learned a lot from both divisions. Especially on Friday with the divisions with the ZLs when I was with Elder Gallardo from Argentina. He was an awesome teacher and the lessons we had were completly guided by the spirit. We also had the mini zone conference and learned a lot about the Atonement. The training was mostly videos and they were all great.

The Thursday ward activity was a movie night. At first not many people came but then the chappel just filled. I don't know why everyone in South America has to always show up late haha. Seriously, sacrament meeting starts at 8:00am, and right and 8:00am there's like 20 people in the church. After 8:15am, there's like 40. And after the sacrament, there's around 130 people that come in haha.

My socks all have holes in them now haha. I have to wear two pairs almost everyday and turn one pair almost backwards so that the holes don't line up. I'm planning on burning them soon haha. Today we had my last zone activity and we played soccer, volleyball, and basketball as a zone. Plus we bought 8 giant boxes of pizza haha...So that was cool. And other than that, my package came! I was starting to lose faith. I already downed the beef jerky.

No estoy seguro si es que debo decir a mi compañero esta frase, "A mí me falta menos días, que a ti meses"... Porque la tentación está presente, es verdad, y quiero decirlo muchísimo jajaja. ¡Pero créanme que no estoy trunky!

            Élder Bolton              
Misión Ecuador Quito Norte
              2013 - 2015              
            Philippians 3:8            

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