This week we did divisions with Companía. Elder Ramírez and I went to his sector. So we were kind of deep in the fields. The cool part of their sector is that it's lakeside, really sweet. Everyone speaks Quichua there too. I noticed that even the members all speak Quichua even when we're around. They only speak Spanish to us to ask us a question haha nothing else. The best part of the divisions was that there shower is amazing. It actually has gas unlike our shower. So it was the first hot shower in a while because the gas tank truck stopped passing by our house haha. I actually have a routine for showering in ice cold water now.
Also this week we had to go to Quito to renew my companion´s visa. While I was waiting for him to get done, I met Elder Gallego waiting in the offices for his companion to get done too! So it was fun talking with him again. I still konw Quito like the back of my hand so it was strange going back there again, but I like Quito. This was a pretty spiritual week though. In the meeting we talked about unity and faith. And some other topics that had to do with that. I did a thing where the missionaries had to take their nametags off and asked themselves inspired questions like, "Why am I here?", "What legacy do I want to leave behind?", "Is God satisfied with my offering?", and things like that. Some of the missinoaries shared really awesome things as well. Definatly something I'll remember. 2 of us playing the guitar was fun too haha.
Right now we have a couple good families progressing. for example the familia Valensuela-Lita. We taught them about the book of Mormon this week and I've never heardso many curious questions in my life about the book, the church, and us. We left the house and realized that they now know more about missionaries than many members haha. But they are going to come to general conference with us and accept the challenge to "come and see" the prophets and apostales of God. I'm really excited for my last general conference in the mission. I expect it to be the best.
Also, we ended this week basically broke because we ate mopre like kings and took a lot of taxis. So my companion took my brownie mix and mixed it with water to make my like a brownie-shake. But it only had brownie miz and water. I didn't know what to say but it wasn't that bad haha. We could be poor throughout the whole mission but make it though with his ideas haha.
Hoy me voy a Quito de nuevo por el consejo de la misión. Tengo la impresión que este consejo va a salir mucha revelación y cosas espirituales por la conferencia general también. Allí vamos viendo. Mas es otra oportunidad de poder estar en la casa de los líderes de zona de Quito y bañarme con agua caliente jaja. Bueno, en serio, muchas gracias por todo su amor y apoyo que me han dado. Siento que el Señor realmente me está cuidando y llevando de la mano. Los quiero mucho y espero que estén erecibiendo bendiciones en la casa.
¡Chuta! Kaylie ya está compromitida! Bacanazo jaja